RTD depends on the availability of an RTD server to make the real-time data available to Excel. The RTD function is based on COM technology and provides advantages in robustness, reliability, and convenience. In earlier versions of Excel, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is used for that purpose. When you have to create a workbook that includes data that is updated in real time, for example, financial data or scientific data, you can now use the RTD worksheet function. This function enables you to call a Component Object Model (COM) Automation server to retrieve data in real time. Microsoft Office Excel provides a worksheet function, RealTimeData (RTD).
This article describes the functionality that the RealTimeData (RTD) function provides. For more information, see Excel Performance and Limits Improvements. The performance of the RealTimeData (RTD) function has been greatly enhanced in Excel M365 version 2002 or later.